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March 15th  is the date for the WATER  BOARD elections


Water boards protect against flooding, make water in ditches cleaner, purify the waste water and ensure sufficient water in case of drought. The PvdA wants us to always give nature space, distribute water fairly, generously waive taxes and help solve water issues outside the Netherlands.

Water management affects how we live, work and spend our leisure time. Find out how we act on extreme weather conditions, water shortage, risk of flooding, costs of purifying sewage and aim for cleaner water in rivers and lakes.

As a resident, EU or non EU you benefit from good water management. And in the Netherlands you are allowed voting in the elections, by voting you help to choose the members of the water authority board in your area.

We are committed to:

  • Sturdy dikes that keep your feet dry! With dikes on which there is room for nature and biodiversity.
  • Clean water: all open water should be clean enough for swimming. (But keep in mind that you can’t swim everywhere because of shipping.)   With good blue-green algae control and as many natural banks and biodiversity as possible. This is how we keep them healthy together now and for our children.
  • Cleaner sewage discharge: only the 3 P’s are allowed in the sewer: poop, pee and paper. Everything else requires additional treatment, like medicine residues or microplastics.
  • Taxes affordable for everyone: For those who live on the minimum, there is a waiver of payment.

You have  received  your voting paper by post. You take this and a valid ID to the voting station on March 15th, On the same day as the Provincial Council elections. Please note that as a non-EU or non-EEA citizen to bring your residence permit with you as well!

The upcoming election is a tight race. The Labour Party PvdA  goal is to defeat the conservatives of the VVD this time. Last time we were only 700 votes short of becoming the greatest party.


Водні дошки захищають від затоплення, роблять воду в канавах чистішою, очищають стічні води і забезпечуютьдостатню кількість води в разі посухи. PvdA хоче, щоб мизавжди давали природний простір, справедливорозподіляли воду, щедро відмовлялися від податків і допомагали вирішувати водні питання за межамиНідерландів.



Tablice wodne chronią przed powodzią, oczyszczają wodę w rowach, oczyszczają ścieki i zapewniają wystarczającą ilośćwody na wypadek suszy. PvdA chce, abyśmy zawsze dawalinaturze przestrzeń, sprawiedliwie rozprowadzali wodę, hojnieznosili podatki i pomagali rozwiązywać problemy związane zwodą poza Holandią.



Les offices des eaux protègent contre les inondations, nettoient l’eau dans les fossés, purifient les eaux usées et assurent une quantité suffisante d’eau en cas de sécheresse. Le PvdA veut que nous donnions toujours de l’espace à la nature, distribuions l’eau équitablement, que nous renoncionsgénéreusement aux taxes et que nous aidions à résoudre les problèmes d’eau en dehors des Pays-Bas.



Wasserverbände schützen vor Überschwemmungen, reinigen Wasser in Gräben, reinigen Abwasser und sorgen bei Trockenheit für ausreichend Wasser. Die PvdA möchte, dass wir der Natur immer Raum geben, Wasser gerecht verteilen, großzügig auf Steuern verzichten und zur Lösung von Wasserproblemen außerhalb der Niederlande beitragen.



Las juntas de agua protegen contra las inundaciones, garantizan la limpieza del agua en las zanjas y la depuración de las aguas residuales y garantizan suficiente agua en épocas de sequía. El PvdA quiere que siempre demos espacio a la naturaleza, distribuyamos el agua de manera justa, renunciemos generosamente a los impuestos para las personas con bajos recursos financieros y ayudemos a resolver los problemas del agua fuera de los Países Bajos.



Le tavole d’acqua proteggono dalle inondazioni, rendono l’acqua nei fossati più pulita, purificano le acque reflue e garantiscono acqua sufficiente in caso di siccità. Il PvdA vuole che diamo sempre spazio alla natura, distribuiamo l’acqua in modo equo, rinunciamo generosamente alle tasse e aiutiamo a risolvere i problemi idrici al di fuori dei Paesi Bassi.



As placas de água protegem contra inundações, tornam a águanas valas mais limpa, purifica as águas residuais e asseguraágua suficiente em caso de seca. O PvdA quer que dêmossempre espaço à natureza, distribuímos água de forma justa, generosamente abdiquemos dos impostos e ajudemos a resolver problemas de água fora dos Países Baixos.



Su panoları su baskınlarına karşı koruma sağlar, hendeklerdekisuyu daha temiz hale getirir, atık suları arıtır ve kuraklıkdurumunda yeterli suyu sağlar. PvdA, her zaman doğaya alanvermemizi, suyu adil bir şekilde dağıtmamızı, cömertçevergilerden feragat etmemizi ve Hollanda dışındaki susorunlarının çözülmesine yardımcı olmamızı istiyor.


تحمي ألواح المياه من الفيضانات ، وتجعل المياه في الخنادق أنظف ، وتنقيمياه الصرف الصحي وتضمن المياه الكافية في حالة الجفاف. يريدنا PvdA أن نعطي دائما مساحة طبيعية ، ونوزع المياه بشكل عادل ، ونتنازل بسخاءعن الضرائب ونساعد في حل مشكلات المياه خارج هولندا.



ሰሌዳታት ማይ ካብ ምዕልቕላቕ ማይ ይከላኸለሉ ኣብወሓይዝ ማይ የጽሪ ነቲ ጐሓፍ የጽርዮ ድርቂ እንተ ኣጋጢሙኸኣ እኹል ማይ የረጋግጽ . . . ኤን. . ወትሩተፈጥሮኣዊ ቦታ ኽንህብ ማይ ብግቡእ ክንዝርግሕ ግብሪኽንከፍሎ ከምኡውን ካብ ነዘርላንድስ ወጻኢ ንዚለዓልጕዳያት ማይ ክንፈትሖ እዩ ዚደልየና



A waterschap e sorgu tak un ne sungu, de krien a watra fu din gotro, de krien a dut watra sa e kmopo fu din oso, nanga de sorgu dat in dre ting nofo watra de. PvdA wan tak a natuur ap nofo ruimte, dat a watra e praat nanga leti, dat if ie ap wan lagi inkomen ie naf pai a watrabelasting (a sa de kar kwijtschelding), nanga fu sit din watra problema fu tra kondre.


Wetterskippen beskermje tsjin oerstreaming, meitsje wetter ynsleatten skjinner, suverje it ôffalwetter en soargje by drûchtefar foldwaande wetter.  De PvdA wol dat wy dêrby altyd de natuer de romte jouwe, de kosten earlik ferdiele, romhertichde belestingen kwytskinke en meihelpe om wetterfraachstikken bûten Nederlân op te lossen